k=0 cometo=0 function dis(){ window.status=text1.substring(0,cometo) if(comeback==1){ cometo--; if(cometo==0){comeback=0} } else {cometo++;if(cometo==text1.length){comeback=1}} window.status=text1.substring(0,cometo)+" its my life ;D " if(cometo==text1.length){window.setTimeout("dis()",500);} else {window.setTimeout("dis()",50);} } dis()
http://chemistrythoughts.blogspot.com welcome to my blog. do tag b4 u leave.

cheng liang .
I am cheng liang 17 years old, a TPJCian, part of 08s20. -a ex- 4 hybridian in nchs -ex- 2 effusion -ex- 1 determination AIMS: - get a vacancy in chemical engineering(nus) -get 7 As in A levels - continue 4H2 -do well in chemistry -get into school team next year My detests: -studying -sleeping -being sick -no frens -eaving frens
waNteD >.<

7As for A-levels

Get into TPJC basketball main 5
☺Wishes =DD

Taggie N

Designer- Woo Hian
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Jukie Boxie N
use mine? ._.

Links here yeah ;D

Past matches


nth 2 do ?
click! -------->
jamiejam715965 got their 
             Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Sunday, March 20, 2011
blog revival! c0mments!
It has been like 5 months since i last blogged.
There has been drastic changes these few months, changes that are hard but forced to accept.
Have done everything we could, shown attitude, lodged complaints, given our views etc.
But well, i dun care. Gonna f off in 11months time.
For soc, finally conquer balancing beam and jagged ladder.
For ippt, i finally gotten silver!
Overall, need to tolerate with all the nonsense for the remaining days. Who tell us to be educated people.

I Played @ 4:54 AM