k=0 cometo=0 function dis(){ window.status=text1.substring(0,cometo) if(comeback==1){ cometo--; if(cometo==0){comeback=0} } else {cometo++;if(cometo==text1.length){comeback=1}} window.status=text1.substring(0,cometo)+" its my life ;D " if(cometo==text1.length){window.setTimeout("dis()",500);} else {window.setTimeout("dis()",50);} } dis()
http://chemistrythoughts.blogspot.com welcome to my blog. do tag b4 u leave.

cheng liang .
I am cheng liang 17 years old, a TPJCian, part of 08s20. -a ex- 4 hybridian in nchs -ex- 2 effusion -ex- 1 determination AIMS: - get a vacancy in chemical engineering(nus) -get 7 As in A levels - continue 4H2 -do well in chemistry -get into school team next year My detests: -studying -sleeping -being sick -no frens -eaving frens
waNteD >.<

7As for A-levels

Get into TPJC basketball main 5
☺Wishes =DD

Taggie N

Designer- Woo Hian
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Jukie Boxie N
use mine? ._.

Links here yeah ;D

Past matches


nth 2 do ?
click! -------->
jamiejam715965 got their 
             Neopet at http://www.neopets.com

Monday, April 2, 2012
life is like a time bomb c0mments!
I believed this is my first post since ORD and also the first one in this year.
There are many things to worry about nowadays, main bulk is from the university stuffs, while the rest may be monetary wise.But in general, all should be linked to the future schooling stuff ba.
Firstly, the university fees. I still havent make up my mind on which mode of payment for the university fees should i go for.Should it be borrow from banks, the school, cpf??? Lots of factors to consider since we are not very well off..CPF has interest but some say its better to use CPF since its always better to have real cash by your side.HAIS. its just such a headache.
Secondly,the university digital photo, ORD date confirmation, medical checkup appointment are all stuffs that kept me through and enough.Now only left the medical checkup for the time being, hope that no more stuff will crop up again.
Thirdly,expenses during uni. Its really scary having to calculate how much allowance you need in university.Luckily , no lodging problems since i staying at home. food, lecture notes, transport fees, blah blah.
i really need a good job now.
okay thats it for now, hais bad mood today
ANyways, tomo free cone day!

1711 hrs

I Played @ 2:07 AM